
  • Travelling in style with BOKITTA
    I often get this, which hijab brand is the best and the most comfortable for travelling? I’d definitely shout Bokitta. Bokitta saved my life since the beginning of my motherhood journey, hijab journey and I never looked back. It has always been Bokitta. When I travel, I prefer to bring Bokitta Hijabs with me due to its material that needs …
  • Bokitta – Motherhood Journey
    Don’t stress, BOKITTA is here to save you 😉 As a mother to two young kids, I can totally relate when mothers want something fast, quick, and easy to put on scarf. It is a bonus if it is an ironless hijab too. We do have the desire to be trendy and modest in fashion. Also, to avoid being lost …
  • Bokitta: Unleashing a World of Different Hijab Styles
    Different Hijab Styles In the vibrant world of Islamic fashion, the hijab stands as a beacon of modesty and dignity. Over time, it has beautifully evolved to meet the dynamic needs of the modern Muslim woman. One such evolution is the instant hijab, a blend of convenience and style. Today, we delve into the realm of Bokitta, a brand that …
  • Discover the Beauty of Bokitta Hijabs: A Journey Through Collections
    Bokitta, a globally recognized brand, has been revolutionizing the world of hijabs with its fashionable, ready-to-wear, and pinless designs. Each collection from Bokitta tells a unique story, inspired by various themes and elements, and is reflected in the design of their hijabs. Let’s embark on a journey through some of Bokitta’s most notable hijab collections. Botanical Garden Collection Experience the …
  • Bokitta Hijab: Unveiling the Beauty of Modest Fashion
    Stepping into the World of Bokitta: A Revolution in Modest Fashion Welcome to the world of Bokitta, a brand that has revolutionized the realm of modest fashion with its readymade hijab. Known for its unique designs and superior fabric quality, Bokitta Hijab has become a go-to choice for many women in Malaysia and beyond. In this review, we’ll take a …